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CVR-2 Dual Industrial Tachometers

CVR Dual Tachometer

DIN Rail package of 2 tachometers with the following characteristics:

* Opto-isolated input.

* Reading through serial connection, in ASCII format.

* Wide measuring range: 400,000 rpms to 0.001 rpms.

* No integration period: reading is available as soon as the latest input edge is received.

* Very high resolution: better than 1 in 15.000 (i.e. distinguishing between 1500.0 rpms and 1500.1 rpms)

* Standard serial communications with: RS-485 multidrop half-duplex protocol at 38400 bauds.



* Real-time measurements for datalogger. I.e. dataloggin the Drive Train and the Generator rpms in a Wind Turbine.

* For Automated Test Equipment (ATE)

* In the feedback loop of a high resolution Control System.

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