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Installer for the Wind Farm Simulator suite

You may download here the installer for Windows  of the set of Simulators of the “Wind Farm Simulator” suite, consisting of:

  1. Simulator for the Control Center in a Wind Farm,
  2. Simulator for the Wind Turbine family  ‘Active Stall’,
  3. Simulator for the Wind Turbine family  ‘Rotor Resistance Controlled’
  4. Simulator for the Wind Turbine family ‘Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)’.

For PCs with Windows (Xp,7,8,10).

The download needs around 138 Mbytes for English. Versions for Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese versions also available.

The installed programs are fully operational during 10 executions. They do NOT work in virtual environments (Virtual Box, Virtual PC, Parallel, VMWare, etc).


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